Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today's Doctor Visit

God is so good. My doctor appointment was very encouraging. Everything looks perfect! I will start going every two weeks now. My next appointment is June 26, I will have an ultrasound, see the doctor, and do the glucose screen. At 28 weeks, I will start having weekly ultrasounds only because of what happened with Carsyn not because there is anything "wrong" this time.

When I got in the car to leave the doctor's office, the song Blessed Be Your Name was on the radio. It is an incredible song. My favorite part of it is when it says, "You give and take away. My heart will CHOOSE to say, Lord Blessed be your Name!". No matter the outcome of this pregnancy is, our hearts will choose to say, Lord Blessed be your Name!


Unknown said...

Thanks for starting a blog Janna:) I'm so glad to hear that the appt went so well. I have to say - that is one of my favorite praise songs!!! It has always been a great source of encouragement during my pregancy and everything going on with Eden. Just like you said - whatever the outcome of any of life's circumstances - i pray that we will be able to always say - blessed by Your Name!

Love you guys!

Staci said...

You are definately my hero... I love that song too. My favorite part of the song is:

Blessed be Your name On the road marked with suffering Though there's pain in the offering Blessed be Your name!

Praise God for what He's going to do!